Saturday, 10 January 2015

Why the Daleks are awesome

I'm sure it won't surprise you, but I love the Daleks. They're my favourite Dr. Who villain of all time (and space). Not only are they a design that's survived almost unchanged apart from minor details for almost the entire 52 years of the Show, but they got two films, some great episodes, and became a British icon (which is quite odd that they're based on the Nazis...).
However, over the past few years of Doctor Who (about 2010 onwards), there's been a lack of Dalek episodes (not just minor appearances, focussed episodes), and they've all been a bit rubbish.
I'm not putting a picture up because I don't wan't to be complained at for torture, but we got some horrific new designs in 2010, and a terrible episode to boot. The new designs are ugly, chunky and disgustingly coloured, as if someone said 'it's too dangerous. Remove the sharp edges, make it safer for kids'. Doctor Who design department, it's a battle tank that can think for itself, and it's only thought is 'KILL EVERYTHING! EXTERMINATE!', It's not supposed to be safe, it's going to kill you! Victory of the Daleks? More like murder. Genocide of the Daleks.
I believe Moffat said 'it's no more running for the Daleks, now only big empires from now on!' or something like that. But, as ever, empty promises. So, after a short hiatus, the Daleks returned in 2012's 'The Asylum of the Daleks'!
I'll do a proper review later, but basically Asylum was a complete mess in the most spectacular way possible, it's fascinatingly terrible. Beforehand, Moffat shat his trousers and basically said 'no new Daleks this time. All the old ones, it's gonna be great!'. However, it naturally didn't deliver and was quite simply one of the worst episodes of series 7 and the revived series altogether.

So, now after being on a two year hiatus this time, the Daleks are back for real, all new and shiny with a new Doctor. Let's hope this isn't 2010 all over again, as we go, Into the Dalek...

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